Computer Boot Up Slow

It can get so frustrating to wait for your computer to boot. There are so many things you need to do and so many places you need to be in that waiting for your slow computer to finally boot can feel like the ultimate punishment. Time is of the essence and in this fast-paced world we live in today, waiting should not be an option - especially waiting for a computer to start up and get going. Why does my computer boot slow, you ask? There could be a number of reasons for this, but one thing is for sure - you can fix the problem.

Why does my computer boot slow? When I first asked this question, I was clueless and did not know the answer to expect. With the help of friends and a little research, I found out that there are several factors that can contribute to a computer's slowdown. The most common of this is the existence of too many files. This can cause your system to experience difficulty in processing your commands that are related to finding and opening files. Deleting files is not enough to create new space in your system. What you need to do is to clean up your registry. To do this, you can enlist the help of registry cleaner software, which you can download and install for free, depending on the brand of your choice.

Another reason that answers the question "Why does my computer boot slow?" is the presence of malware in your computer. Malware, a fusion of the words malicious and software, is software intended by its creator or designer to damage or infiltrate a computer system without its owner's consent. The most common and annoying type of malware is adware, which is advertising software in the form of pop-ups that shows up on your monitor every now and then. Examples of malware include worms, Trojans, rootkits, and other computer viruses. There's also the case of spyware, which, true to its name, extracts information about your Internet activities and delivers them to a third party, endangering your identity and safety. Software for detecting and destroying malware and spyware can be found online. There are several websites that offer free trials so you won't have to shell out any amount of money to improve your computer's booting performance.

While there are several types of software that can help you get back your computer's original speed, you'd surely be facing trouble again if you fail to do maintenance on your computer. Maintenance is the key to enjoying a healthy, robust performance from your computer. Like any other appliance or technology made by human hands, computers need constant care for them to function well. Your computer is exposed to daily activities that require different sets of commands, making it easy for it to slow down so that you are now asking the question "Why does my computer boot slow?" Another thing you can do to solve your dilemma is to perform maintenance by way of defraging your computer. To do this, visit the start section, check out the accessories, and look for the defragmentation option in the tools section.

There are many possible answers to the question "Why does my computer boot slow?" but the good news is that there are also many free solutions.