Clean And Fix Registry

Registry problem can occur if your system is unintentionally corrupted by malicious software or if it's full of invalid keys. Likewise, you may also encounter problems if you installed malicious software or was attacked by a computer virus. Such problems can cause your software to malfunction. In worse cases, your Windows operating system may not start up right or your hardware may not be read accordingly by the computer system. In any case, it is of utmost importance to fix registry problems, safely and securely.

To fix registry problems, you need to understand the Microsoft registry system first. The Windows registry system is a database where all your computer's information is kept. Each hardware, software and personalized configuration you setup will have folders and key values in the Microsoft registry system. Hence, if one of these entries is corrupted, your usage of this software or hardware will be affected.

Likewise, any malicious software that manages to get installed in your system will have some of its information in your Windows registry. Also, these software would typically alter some of your default registry settings to suit its requirements. This is why a lot of the manual virus cleaning instructions will have directions on how to edit registry settings.

You can change back and clean altered registry settings using the preinstalled Registry Editor of Microsoft Windows. When you fix registry problems such as these using the Registry Editor, you need to be sure of what you are doing first. Know the correct key values and settings. Research the altered keys online and change according to the correct/ default settings. This is the only way to fix registry problems safely and securely. Never do any guess work here as your registry settings are crucial to the correct functioning of your computer.

To start editing your registry settings, just click on the Start button and then go to Run. Type "regedit." This will open the Registry Editor. The Registry Editor contains several folders per installed software and hardware in your computer. These folders contain key names and values. To edit, just select a value and then type the new value.

Some say that when you fix registry problems using the Registry Editor, you run into some innate risk. Fixing via the Registry Editor is tantamount to manually fixing your computer's system and some people may feel unconfident about doing this themselves.

Third party software can offer a safer and more secure way to fix registry problems. This type of software can offer the ease of one click solutions, wherein your system is scanned for doubtful registry settings. You are then prompted to clean or keep these entries. Such software can also guard against unauthorized changing of key values.

Should you opt to get third party software, it is safer to use the known and widely used software. This type of software has been proven reliable and thorough. While there is nothing wrong with using lesser known software, be wary of malicious software that tries to pass itself off as registry cleaners or antivirus software. Your problems might just get worse. Research the software you are about to use first.